As I passed Chicago’s Trump Tower yesterday, I overheard a group of people on an architectural walking tour commenting on the branding that adorns the building.

They were fans of the architecture, but obviously not fans of The Donald–with exclamations of tasteless, unsightly, out of scale…and worse.
Which got me wondering…what if those five (huge) letters didn’t spell T-R-U-M-P, but something else. Would people be as outraged?


At this time of the year we stop to give thanks for all things good. In spite of a world that continues to experience conflict and WAR, we are thankful for PEACE––wherever we can find it. And while DESPAIR is ever- present, we are reminded that we must never lose HOPE. Despite the fact that our communities, country and the world seem to be enveloped in fear, LOVE can and will and must conquer all. Sending our best wishes this holiday season for peace, hope and love. Happy Thanksgiving! Robert Viola Partners.


On this eve of 2017 we reach out to our friends and associates to offer our wish, our hope and our prayer for PEACE: in our homes (including the White one), on our streets (especially in our city), and in our world. Best wishes for a new year filled with PEACE. Robert Viola Partners.


On the eve of a brand new, year our wish to our friends and associates is for a very happy and prosperous 2016: Make it BIG. Make it BOLD. Make it BRILLIANT. Happy New Year! Robert Viola Partners.