Politicians frown on “knee jerk reactions” after each school massacre. It’s too soon to talk about solutions. Just time for “thoughts and prayers.” But the killings are happening so frequently–– there will never be a convenient time. Now 17 more young people are slaughtered by an assault weapon in Florida. And hundreds of other innocent people were killed by assault-style weapons this year alone.
When they do talk about it, they focus on mental health. And background checks. The need for increased security. More metal detectors. And even arming teachers with the perk of a bonus (even though many schools can’t afford books and supplies). But there is never a discussion about the proliferation of guns, or the insanity of assault weapons.
Let’s acknowledge the money, power and control of the NRA—whose brand is supposed to be about protecting the second amendment and the right to bear arms. But whose mission seems to be primarily focused on representing the firearms industry. To sell more guns, and make more money—which will inevitably kill more innocent people.
Powerful brands are truthful and transparent. The NRA brand seems to be losing its luster.
Their opposition to common sense gun laws––and the spotlight on their multi-million dollar political campaign contributions to help ensure that––is slowly but surely beginning to diminish the brand.
We don’t deny that mental health is an issue in our country and our world. Watching our politicians do nothing-–with the help of the NRA––is contributing to that insanity. And we’re sending thoughts and prayers.