As I passed Chicago’s Trump Tower yesterday, I overheard a group of people on an architectural walking tour commenting on the branding that adorns the building.
They were fans of the architecture, but obviously not fans of The Donald–with exclamations of tasteless, unsightly, out of scale…and worse.
Which got me wondering…what if those five (huge) letters didn’t spell T-R-U-M-P, but something else. Would people be as outraged?
Is it the scale of the letters––or the size of the ego––that elicits such strong response to the particularly prominent branding?
We know brands are a powerful tool—the heart and soul of a business. Expressing who you are, what you do, and why it matters. Brands speak for you and impart the values of your organization—compelling others to connect with you. Or not.
What does your brand say about you?
The Donald and the Trump brand seem to thrive on controversy and bluster. And it’s worked (on and off) for him. But the organizations we work with aspire to be a brand people connect with and love.
What’s the one actionable word that defines your brand?
Peace out.